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Quality and transparency in the service of dataTec customers.

dataTec has been ISO9001 certified since 2007 and has undergone a strict quality audit every year since then – the company passed its most recent recertification in October 2022.

„Goal“, " rings out across the soccer pitch.

But wait: the striker who took the well-placed shot was previously offside. Manuel Bernhard has to intervene and cancel the goal. Because, as we all know, a goal scored from an offside position does not count. Those are the rules.

When the Kreisliga A is played on Sundays, Manuel Bernhard is often on the pitch as a volunteer referee. During the week, he works in purchasing and is part of the internal quality management team at dataTec.

What do they have to do with each other? Quite a lot.

„As a referee, you are the controlling body on the pitch. You have to know the rules and be able to assess every situation, no matter how difficult, based on the rules and bring them into line“

dataTec Experte
Manuel Bernhard / Purchasing & internal quality management

This is precisely his job – also at dataTec: as a member of the quality management team, he and his colleagues ensure that all processes and structures in the company are defined and documented in accordance with the requirements of the DIN EN ISO9001:2015 quality standard – and of course that they are also complied with. dataTec has been ISO9001 certified since 2007 and has undergone a strict quality audit every year since then – the company passed its most recent recertification in October 2022. „We carry out two to three internal partial audits every year so that we have gone through the entire company once over the course of twelve months“, explains Manuel Bernhard.

„We take a very close look at every single process at dataTec.“

Even with processes that have been in place for years, there are always changes. These changes then need to be designed, redefined and documented in accordance with the rules. This approach is even more important for innovations.

„For example, we have been working with a new IT operating system since last summer. It goes without saying that many of the previous processes have been cancelled and replaced by new ones.“

In discussions with the respective colleagues, the quality management team clarifies exactly what the new processes look like and whether the individual steps are in line with the ISO quality specifications.

„Then it's about documenting every detail of these processes in our internal dataBook.“

In this way, Manuel Bernhard and his team colleagues not only prepare the company for the annual ISO recertification, they also ensure that dataTec's customers can rely on the consistently high quality of all products and services from their supplier.