FlexPro evaluation software for fast measurement results.

Complex measurement tasks sometimes generate large amounts of data from various sources. Sophisticated analysis processes are required to derive meaningful results. If necessary, the information must also be prepared for cross-departmental decision-makers. Reliable measurement results form the basis for well-founded decisions that can increase both test productivity and product quality. The software-based evaluation of measured values significantly reduces the analysis effort and supports an error-free process.

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Software-supported evaluation of measurement data

The sophisticated evaluation of measurement data is not only an aspect of the data volume, but also concerns the time-consuming import from various data sources and the handling of different file formats. The focus on the actual analysis process should not be lost. Ideally, the process used should be error-free and lead to decision-relevant findings as efficiently as possible. Professional analysis software offers efficient tools that support both basic statistics and advanced evaluation procedures. It is particularly suitable when large amounts of data need to be processed centrally. This includes all work steps - from data import to the presentation of results.

FlexPro from Weisang is an analysis and presentation software specially designed for engineers and scientists to visualize measured values, organize data and perform comprehensive analyses. With FlexPro, data can be seamlessly imported and processed in all common file formats - regardless of whether it is measurement data from an oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer or other measuring devices from a wide range of manufacturers. The optional data explorer indexes measurement data archives on the operating server so that data records with specific parameters or attributes can be searched for.

FlexPro has a diagram wizard with a large selection of pre-programmed diagram types. The axis scaling automatically corresponds to the respective data values. Convenient calculation functions with predefined analyses, e.g. the Fourier transformation, reduce the time and effort required for data evaluation to a minimum. The software also supports user-defined calculation formulas. The graphical analysis result is displayed immediately in a preview window.

Diagrams can be inserted into a document via drag-and-drop to create reports. The page number and table of contents are automatically adjusted when a new measurement is imported. The integrated library offers numerous presentation templates and individual design options.
When a measurement file is selected with a mouse click, a preview window appears which displays the data as a graph and provides an overview of the course of the measurement without any calculation effort. Relevant trends and patterns are thus directly recognizable.

Comfortable creation of diagrams, analyses and documents

Automation of calculations and presentations

As measurements are usually carried out several times, several data sets are available for evaluation. With software support, the necessary analyses can be transferred to further measurements without having to repeat the individual operation steps for each data set. The automatic execution of such a test procedure often requires programming skills, as a script must first be created. FlexPro offers the advantage that automation can be carried out without knowledge of a scripting language. All generated analysis objects are linked to each other and form a dynamic network that can be extended to any number of imported measurement files. Created diagrams are updated directly with reference to the respective data set.


The FlexPro measurement data software from Weisang supports the efficient evaluation and presentation of measurement data, from simple statistics to complex analysis procedures. The software is ideal when large volumes of data from different sources need to be processed centrally in order to increase test productivity and product quality and optimize development processes with well-founded decisions.

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