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dataTec provides 100 answers to 100 questions on test and measurement technology.

dataTec now offers a new source of knowledge for anyone interested in test and measurement technology. The new section "100 Questions & 100 Answers" provides comprehensive information on the areas of application, requirements and performance features of the various device types on the Wiki on the company website www.datatec.eu. There are currently exactly 124 answers available and more are to follow. For example, you can find out what the most important selection criteria are when buying a thermal imaging camera, how measurement technology can improve industrial processes and what bandwidth an oscilloscope needs. Many technical terms are also explained and there is helpful background information, for example on test standards. Since detailed answers to these and many other topics are available 24/7, visitors to the dataTec website will be able to access information at any time and optimally prepare themselves to purchase a device or for a detailed consultation.

"Trust comes about as a result of knowledge, which is why it is important for us to share our expertise with our customers," says Roland Bertler, Head of the dataTec Academy and Head of Marketing at dataTec. "With our new platform, we offer a reliable, manufacturer-independent source of knowledge. It is intended to make it easier to decide which instrument is the right one for the individual measurement or testing task." According to Bertler, suggestions for further questions would be taken up in consultations and added to the Wiki accordingly. "In this way, we are consistently pursuing our goal of being the experts for our customers in finding solutions."

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