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dataTec AG takes stock.

After the end of the 2018/2019 financial year on 30 June, dataTec AG takes stock: the record turnover of the previous year was increased by 1% from 53.3 to 53.9 million euros. 

With regard to the current economic situation in Germany, the company "got off lightly", says CEO Hans Steiner. German industry is currently showing caution. The reasons for this lie in particular in political developments, such as Brexit or current trade conflicts. This is also noticeable in dataTec's figures, as turnover was originally forecast to be higher.

Nevertheless, the company is confident about the coming financial year. The new turnover target is 54.5 million euros. Growth potential is seen in particular in the areas of energy transfer, e-mobility, power and energy as well as battery storage. In addition, the web shop is to be further expanded and the entry into system solutions is to be realised. In addition, initial positive experiences have been made with the international joint venture Asycomdatatec S.E. Talks are already underway with other partners to further advance Europeanisation in the future. 

dataTec AG currently employs 105 people (as of 30.06.2019). No jobs are being cut; in fact, new employees are being sought. Sales engineers are currently needed; in addition, there are open positions in the areas of (technical) internal sales, marketing and materials management. 

For more information on dataTec AG and the 2018/2019 financial year, please see the following articles in German:

SWP – dataTec AG behauptet sich 

Schwäbisches Tagblatt – dataTec expandiert in Europa

Reutlinger General Anzeiger – dataTec aus Betzingen will europäischer werden