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Everything was different last year. Also at dataTec. In the press conference on 24.07.2020, CEO Hans Steiner and Marketing Director Roland Bertler take stock of the past months.
The Corona pandemic has also left its mark on dataTec. Instead of the planned turnover of € 54 million, a turnover of € 44 million was achieved. Nevertheless, the company is still in the black at the end of the business year. In addition, there is a good cushion from previous years which can be invested in growth.
Decisions were always made calmly and prudently. Not least with the help of Mr. Steiner's many years of experience. Therefore, for example, the field staff was put on short-time work when the on-site visits to the customers collapsed, and the marketing budget was also cut by 300,000 €.
These are temporary measures at this point in time. dataTec AG is optimistic about the future and expects an increase in business from autumn onwards. Particular growth potential lies, among other things, in the energy turnaround and the trend towards electric cars. An increase of 5 % of the current turnover to € 46 million is planned for the next 12 months.
At this point in time, future decisions must be made calmly and confidently, opportunities must be seized and growth potential must be exploited. This is how the start into the new business year will be successful.
Please find here CEO Hans Steiner and Marketing Director Roland Bertler in an interview with RTF.1.