Wayne Kerr 6565-05 | DC Bias Unit, 10 A, 20 Hz - 5 MHz
Manufacturer number: 6565-05
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Wayne Kerr 6565-05 | DC Bias Unit, 10 A, 20 Hz - 5 MHz
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6565-05 | DC Bias Unit, 10 A, 20 Hz - 5 MHz
The 6565 HF DC Bias Unit is designed for use with a Wayne Kerr 6500 series analyzer, either the 6500B Precision Impedance Analyzer or the 6500P HF LCR Meter. Its function is to provide a source for the DC bias current through the device under test (DUT) while the analyzer is taking AC measurements.
Each 6565 unit can supply up to 10 A DC, and up to eight 6565 units can be connected in parallel to provide a maximum of 80 A. A digital ammeter on the front allows the user to read the value of the DC bias current and an indicator LED shows when the bias current is activated.
The Wayne Kerr 6565 DC Bias Units are available in three versions:
- 6565-05: 20 Hz ... 5 MHz
- 6565-30: 20 Hz ... 30 MHz
- 6565-120: 20 Hz ... 120 MHz
About the Manufacturer
Wayne Kerr
Wayne Kerr was founded in London (GB) in 1946 and developed into one of
the leading manufacturers of measuring instruments in the electronics
sector worldwide. Today, you will find Wayne Kerr wherever the highest
precision and reliability are required: in automotive engineering,
component manufacturing, medical technology and, of course, in
universities and other educational institutions.