The CT2 current probe in miniature format is intended for permanent or semi-permanent installation in a circuit. The probe consists of a current transformer and a connecting cable. The current transformer has a small hole through which a current-carrying conductor is fed during circuit assembly. The P6041 probe cable included in the scope of delivery establishes the connection between the CT2 current transformer and a BNC oscilloscope input. If the cable is connected to a high-impedance oscilloscope input (1 MΩ), a 50 Ω termination is required. One probe can monitor several current transformers connected in a circuit.
Single-shot measurements and pulse measurements with a low repetition rate:
The CT2 current probe is designed for a maximum pulse current of 36 A with an ampere-second product of 50 A × 10-6 seconds (50 ampere-microseconds). It can therefore safely handle a 36 A peak pulse with a maximum width of 1.39 microseconds or lower amplitude pulses for longer pulse widths.
Measurements of propagation delay:
Two CT2 current transformers with matching cables of equal signal transit times can be used to measure the signal transit time between the input current and output current of high-frequency components. The two outputs of the current samples are connected to the inputs of a two-channel real-time sampling oscilloscope. Any sample/cable/scope mismatch can be verified by passing the same signal current through both current samples and measuring the system delay time difference.
Application areas:
- Read channel design for data storage
- Silicon characterization
- High frequency analog design
- ESD-Testing
- Signal injection
- Differential current measurements
- Low repetition rate single-shot pulse measurements
- Propagation delay measurement