Keysight N8481A | Power Sensor - Thermocouple, average, 10 MHz to 18 GHz

Manufacturer number: N8481A

Keysight N8481A | HF power meter with thermocouple, 10 MHz to 18 GHz.

  • Frequency range: 10 MHz to 18 GHz
  • Dynamic power measurement range: -35 dBm (316 nW) to +20 dBm (100 mW)
  • High accuracy of 1% and low noise <114 nW (maximum value)
  • Linearity: from -1 to <+15 dBm: ± 0.52% and from +15 to +20 dBm: ± 0.80%
  • Very good standing wave ratio (SWR / Standing Wave Ratio): 1.08 to 1.37 depending on the frequency range
  • Wide dynamic range covered by a measuring head
  • RF connector: Type N
  • Automatic readout of the calibration data and corresponding correction factors from the EEPROM. The traceability of the performance measurement to the NIST standard (US National Institute of Standard and Technology) is given.
  • Compatibility of this measuring head with the family power meters:
    P series (N1911A / 12A),
    EPM-P series (E4416A / 17A) and
    EPM series (N1913A / 14A, E4418B / 19B)
  • Weight: 0.181 kg
  • Dimensions: 38mm (W) x 30mm (H) x 130mm (L)
  • Warranty 1 year


  • N8481A - Option CFT offers full SCPI code compatibility of the N8455A power sensor with those of the 8480A series. With this option, the calibration values and correction factors are attached to the outside of a label; no EEPROM

Note: All power sensors of the N8480 series are not compatible with the measuring devices 43x, E1416A, N8262A, with the microwave counters 5314x and with the base station test set E7495x

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N8481A | Power Sensor - Thermocouple, average, 10 MHz to 18 GHz

The N848xA series of HF power meters is based on thermocouples and is one of the most accurate and fail-safe measuring heads that Keysight (formerly Agilents electronic measuring technology) has to offer. What makes them special is that the calibration factors are stored in an EEPROM. This eliminates the need to enter these calibration values into the power meter used before a measurement. The measuring device can read these values directly from the EEPROM. Furthermore, these measuring heads offer an extended frequency range and further power measuring ranges.

About the Manufacturer

dataTec and Keysight Technologies have had a strong partnership since 1999. No other company offers such a wide range of measurement technology, testing solutions, and solutions for our connected world. With Keysight's measuring instruments, you are also well-equipped for today's and tomorrow's tasks.

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