The Gossen Metrawatt METRALINE PRO-TYP EM I (Z525F) test adapter: The solution for VDE tests on e-charging points according to IEC 61851, both for initial commissioning and for repeat tests. The test adapter was developed for the development and maintenance of e-charging points and designed for use with Gossen Metrawatt device testers. Check with Gossen Metrawatt Wallbox! Various states of an electric vehicle can be simulated using a rotary switch on the test adapter. The socket of the charging station is safely made live and can be tested, for example, with the PROFITEST MTECH+ (IQ) and MXTRA (IQ) test devices. The measuring cables of the Profitest Master are connected via 4 mm safety sockets (L1, L2, L3, N, PE).