dataTec Exclusive offer AC01032 | Basic package Secutest ST PRO in a bundle with case and barcode scanner

Manufacturer number: AC01032

dataTec exclusive offer AC01032 | Secutest ST PRO in a bundle with case and barcode scanner at a package price - save €494.00.

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Exclusive offer AC01032 | Basic package Secutest ST PRO in a bundle with case and barcode scanner

Exclusively from dataTec you can now get the VDE device tester Gossen Metrawatt Secutest ST PRO M707B including robust aluminum frame transport case and barcode scanner for a package price of only €3,428 - save €498.

Exclusive dataTec promotion valid until December 31, 2024.

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dataTec is the largest specialist distributor for measuring and testing technology in Germany. We carry these products in our in-house portfolio.

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