dataTec Academy.
Use our knowledge to your advantage.
When you decide on new test or measurement technology, you want to be sure you are making the right decision. That is why we not only provide comprehensive advice, but also offer a wide range of training courses. Whether online, with us in Reutlingen or exclusively for your company: Our experts are happy to share their knowledge with you, in a way that is practical, application-oriented and specifically for your workplace.

The key topics.
The dataTec Academy provides seminars and further training opportunities on various topics. The focus is on VDE test standards, thermography and laboratory measurement technology. We also place a special focus on applications of modular measurement technology from NI (formerly National Instruments). With strong partners at our side, we make sure you have all the know-how you need for your field of application. Take a look at our webshop and discover all topics related to test and measurement technology.
Testing standards & software.
Seminars/workshops on VDE standards testing and software. We provide you with basic knowledge, show you how to apply it successfully in practice and carry out measurements with you in accordance with the relevant standards.
Thermography / thermal imaging.
dataTec helps you to develop a theoretical and practical knowledge of thermography, the interpretation of thermal images and the subsequent documentation of your measurement results.
Laboratory measurement technology.
dataTec conducts technical seminars and consultations (basic and advanced seminars) based on your current measurement requirements across Germany.
Modular measurement technology.
Whether free webinars, practical training on software and applications or individual consultations: take your NI application to the next level with our experts.
dataTec is NI Authorised Training Partner.
In February 2021, dataTec took over the distribution rights from NI. Now dataTec is also an Authorised Training Partner of NI. This means you receive consulting and training from a single source - from certified trainers, of course. You can rely on the well-known quality and many years of experience of the dataTec Academy. The seminars are held in person at the dataTec Academy premises in Reutlingen and Munich.

In the dataTec Academy, we offer supplementary VDE seminars that provide you with the necessary basic knowledge and acco...

The DIN VDE regulations govern the electrotechnical regulations as defined by DGUV V3 (accident prevention regulations f...

Anyone who comes to the dataTec Academy to acquire know-how has a lot to look forward to. To nice people, easy learning ...

Thomas Schleich is an engineer, an expounder of ideas, a free spirit – and a first-class speaker at the dataTec Academy....
Seminar forms
A wide range of further training opportunities.
When you decide on new measuring or testing technology, you want to be sure that you are making the right decision. That's why we not only provide you with comprehensive advice, but also offer a wide range of training courses. Get an overview of the various further training options.
Individual place in a seminar near you.
Book individual places for you and your employees in your area. Your advantage is the manageable costs through registration of individual employees. Since we design the number of participants ideally, the seminar groups deliver excellent results.
Individualised in-house seminars.
In-house seminars are developed according to your needs and held at your premises with your examinees (DUT). Your advantage: The most suitable speaker comes to your company, travel expenses for your employees are eliminated, and the seminar is prepared and conducted according to your specifications. This guarantees maximum effectiveness.
Online seminars & webinars.
Together with our partners, we regularly offer you free further training opportunities. Practical, application-oriented and specifically for your workplace. Take the chance to learn directly from the experts and feel free to ask your questions.
Wenn Sie sich für neue Mess- oder Prüftechnik entscheiden, wollen Sie sicher sein, die richtige Entscheidung zu treffen....

Unsere Akademie bietet Fort- und Weiterbildungen für Ihren beruflichen Erfolg. In Ihrer Nähe oder auch direkt bei Ihnen ...
How to find us
Your route to the experts.
dataTec AG
Ferdinand-Lassalle-Str. 52
72770 Reutlingen
+49 7121 / 51 50 750