dataTec Exclusive offer AC01033 | Advanced package Secutest ST PRO in a bundle with case, barcode & QR scanner

Manufacturer number: AC01033

dataTec exclusive offer AC01033 | Secutest ST PRO in a bundle with case, barcode & QR scanner and test adapter at a package price - save €739.

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Exclusive offer AC01033 | Advanced package Secutest ST PRO in a bundle with case, barcode & QR scanner

Exclusively from dataTec you can now get the VDE device tester Gossen Metrawatt Secutest ST PRO M707B including robust aluminum frame transport case, barcode & QR scanner and test adapter for extension at a package price of only €3,650 - save €739.

Exclusive dataTec promotion valid until December 31, 2025.

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dataTec is the largest specialist distributor for measuring and testing technology in Germany. We carry these products in our in-house portfolio.

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