Keysight N9081EM0E | Bluetooth Measurement Application

Herstellernummer: N9081EM0E

Keysight N9081EM0E | Bluetooth Measurement Application, for X-Series analyzers with multi-touch UI (N90x0B).


N9081EM0E | Bluetooth Measurement Application

The Bluetooth measurement application is one in a common library of more than 25 measurement applications in the Keysight X-Series, an evolutionary approach to signal analysis that spans instrumentation, measurements and software. Transforming the X-Series signal analyzers into standard-based transmitter testers, the application provides fast, one-button RF conformance measurements to help you design, evaluate, and manufacture your Bluetooth RF transmitters. The measurement application satisfies the test conditions defined in the Bluetooth Core Specifications to help verify your Bluetooth design with confidence while supporting manufacturing with a single application covering Basic Rate, EDR and Low Energy technologies.

Transmitter testing

  • Simplify setups with one-button measurements for different data packet types in a single option with pass/fail limits in accordance with the Bluetooth Core Specification Version 2.1+ EDR and Low Energy (Bluetooth 4.2)
  • Combine multiple results of output power, modulation characteristics, initial carrier frequency tolerance and carrier frequency drift for basic data rates and low energy in a single transmitter measurement. Analyze relative transmitter power, frequency stability/modulation accuracy and differential phase decoding of the EDR signal
  • Perform adjacent channel power for Basic Rate and in-band spurious emissions for EDR signals up to 79 channels (79 MHz) with a proprietary algorithm, pressing a single button
  • Add real-time spectrum analyzer (RTSA) capability to the PXA or MXA signal analyzers to pinpoint interference caused by the many other signals in the ISM at 2.4 GHz band

Key Features & Specifications 

Signal analysis

  • Compliant with Bluetooth® Core Specification Version 2.1+ EDR and Low Energy (with latest enhancements for Bluetooth 4.2)
  • One-button measurements with pass/fail per the standard
  • Runs inside UXA, PXA, MXA, EXA and CXA X-Series signal analyzers with multi-touch UI


  • Transmitter analysis of combined output power (Basic Rate or Low Energy) or EDR relative power and modulation measurements associated with multiple results at a single time
  • Modulation: deviation, initial carrier frequency tolerance (ICFT), carrier frequency drift, EDR frequency stability and EDR modulation accuracy
  • Spectrum measurements: output spectrum bandwidth, adjacent channel power and EDR in-band spurious emissions
  • Multiple result views: RF envelope, demodulation waveform, RF spectrum, numeric display

Performance (hardware dependent)

  • Output power accuracy: up to ±0.20 dB
  • FM deviation range: ±250 kHz full scale, nominal
  • ACP and EDR in-band spurious emissions up to 79 channels (79 MHz)
  • EDR modulation accuracy: ±1.2%

Other features

  • For X-Series analyzers with multi-touch UI (N90x0B)
  • License Key upgradeable
  • Fixed and transportable license available
  • SCPI remote user interface

Zubehör (1 Produkte)

Zubehör (1 Produkt)

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Signal-/Spektrumanalysator, 9 kHz bis 3 / 7,5 / 13,6 / 26,5 GHz, Multi-Touch
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Der Spektrumanalysator gehört in der Entwicklung, Produktion oder Qualitätssicherung zur unverzichtbaren Messausrüstung....

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Bereits seit 1999 verbindet dataTec und Keysight Technologies eine starke Partnerschaft. Kein anderes Unternehmen bietet ein so breites Spektrum an Messtechnik, Prüftechnik sowie Lösungen für unsere vernetzte Welt. Mit Messinstrumenten von Keysight sind auch Sie bestens gerüstet für die Aufgaben von heute und morgen.

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