Keysight N9067EM0E | Embedded Pulse Messapplilkation, für Spektrum- Analyzer mit Multi-Touch Benutzeroberfläche

Herstellernummer: N9067EM0E

Keysight N9067EM0E | Pulse Measurement Application, Multi-touch UI for X-Series analyzers with multi-touch UI (N90x0B).


N9067EM0E | Embedded Pulse Messapplilkation, für Spektrum- Analyzer mit Multi-Touch Benutzeroberfläche

The N9067EM0E pulse analysis measurement application for multi-touch instruments provides pulsed radar and electronic warfare (EW) analysis to characterize today's dynamic signal environment. In mission-critical aerospace, defense and EW applications, signal design and validation require comprehensive tools for pulsed radar signal analysis and cross-domain - time, frequency and modulation - test capabilities.

To help engineers achieve their design validation goals, the N9067EM0E, a powerful multi-touch application, integrates with the powerful multi-touch X-Series signal analyzers for comprehensive analysis and troubleshooting. The N9067EM0E populates a diverse set of pulse metrics in a flexible table format. All metrics, including pulse table results, result statistics, and cumulative statistics are easily saved into formats such as .csv for custom reports and post analysis.

Key Features & Specifications

Top features

  • Verify all key pulse signal modulation performance indicators relating to power, droop, overshoot, ripple, time (rise/fall/width/PRI), frequency, phase, and FM modulation using the comprehensive pulse table result metrics
  • Visualize pulse signal modulation characteristics and impairment errors in detail with multiple time-synchronized amplitude, phase, and frequency (FM) trace results, in addition to flexible trace overlay support
  • Quickly view statistical variance performance data for each reported pulse metric, accumulated over single or multiple acquisitions, using the pulse cumulative statistics table, graphical histogram, and trend line trace plots
  • Gain deeper insights into your signal's time and frequency domain dynamic and spurious performance with powerful and flexible trace views such as spectrogram and cumulative history
  • Runs inside UXA, PXA, MXA, EXA and CXA X-Series signal analyzers with multi-touch UI

Performance (hardware dependent)

  • Display pulsed signals in a power-vs-time trace, up to 50 GHz and bandwidth up to 510 MHz (depending on configuration), expanding the usefulness of your signal analyzer
  • Acquisition depth: Up to 50 MSa
  • Analysis bandwidth: UXA and PXA up to 510 MHz; MXA up to 160 MHz; EXA up to 40 MHz; CXA up to 25 MHz


  • Add real-time spectrum analyzer (RTSA) capability to the UXA, PXA or MXA signal analyzers to pinpoint interference caused by other transmitters in the operating band or other events such as cross-modulation of component carriers in the transmitter.
  • Scatter plot can show the detailed pulse parameters by changing units in X- and Y-scales from pulse number, peak level in dBm, droop in dB, major time parameters such as rise time, rise edge, fall time, pulse width, PRI, and frequency parameters such as mean frequency, peak-to-peak deviation, mean phase and best-fit FM slope.

Other features

  • For X-Series analyzers with multi-touch UI (N90x0B)
  • License key upgradeable
  • Fixed and transportable license available
  • SCPI remote user interface

Zubehör (1 Produkte)

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Signal-/Spektrumanalysator, 9 kHz bis 3 / 7,5 / 13,6 / 26,5 GHz, Multi-Touch
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Aktuelles und Informatives


Der Spektrumanalysator gehört in der Entwicklung, Produktion oder Qualitätssicherung zur unverzichtbaren Messausrüstung....

Lesedauer 4 Min.

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Bereits seit 1999 verbindet dataTec und Keysight Technologies eine starke Partnerschaft. Kein anderes Unternehmen bietet ein so breites Spektrum an Messtechnik, Prüftechnik sowie Lösungen für unsere vernetzte Welt. Mit Messinstrumenten von Keysight sind auch Sie bestens gerüstet für die Aufgaben von heute und morgen.

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