Keysight N9054EM0E | VMA Vector Modulation Analysis Measurement Application

Herstellernummer: N9054EM0E

Keysight N9054EM0E | VMA Vector Modulation Analysis Application for UXA, PXA, MXA, EXA and CXA X-Series signal analyzers with Multi-Touch UI (N90x0B).


N9054EM0E | VMA Vector Modulation Analysis Measurement Application

The N9054EM0E VMA vector modulation analysis (VMA) measurement application is part of a library of more than 25 measurement applications used with the Keysight X-Series signal analyzers, an evolutionary approach to signal analysis that spans instrumentation, measurements and software. Transforming X-Series signal analyzers into vector modulation analysis mode, the application provides a wide range of measurements, demodulation types and filters to perform comprehensive signal analysis, helping you thoroughly test your designs, ensure product quality and optimize without compromise.

A powerful measurement combination:

  • View detailed frequency behavior with over 400,000 frequency points FFT, meet the needs of the particular measurement from four different RBW filter shapes (Uniform/Hanning/Gaussian/Flat top). Use the x-axis scaling feature for a better view of the area of interest on your signal
  • Dig deeper into signals in time domain with time gating and statistical power measurements (CCDF/CDF/PDF). Simultaneous time and frequency domain displays provide insight into signals that spectrum analyzers alone cannot deliver
  • Implement customized modulation analysis from more than 30 demodulators including: 2 -16 FSK, PSK, and 16 -1024 QAM. Perform qualitative and quantitative signal analysis through flexible displays and markers
  • Take the advantages of the familiar SCPI programmability, LAN/LXI connectivity and the speed of the Keysight X-Series signal analyzers, to link R&D design verification to production test racks

Key Features & Specifications:

Signal analysis

  • Support digital demod measurement with multiple result traces like Raw Main time, Spectrum, I/Q Meas Time, I/Q Meas Spectrum, EVM Time, EVM Spectrum, Demod Results, Demod Bits
  • Support monitor spectrum measurement with functions like marker noise, band power, and band density
  • Support I/Q waveform measurement including both RF envelope and I/Q waveform
  • Runs inside the UXA, PXA, MXA, EXA and CXA X-Series signal analyzers with multi-touch UI


  • Digital modulation analysis including: 2-16 FSK, BPSK, QPSK, 8PSK, 16-1024QAM, MSK, ASK, APSK, VSB etc.
  • Convenient presets for popular formats: NADC, EDGE, PDC, PHS, DVB (16/32/64/256QAM), TETRA, APCO-25, DMR, dPMR, WiSUN (MR-FSK PHY), DECT, VDL Mode 2, MIL-STD CPM, SOQPSK-TG etc.
  • N9054EM0E VMA vs. N9064A VXA measurements table

Performance (hardware dependent)

  • Absolute amplitude accuracy: up to ±0.19 dB, 95% percentile
  • EVM (QPSK): < 0.5% rms
  • Analysis bandwidth: UXA up to 1 GHz; PXA up to 510 MHz; MXA up to 160 MHz; EXA up to 40 MHz; CXA up to 25 MHz

Other features

  • For X-Series analyzers with multi-touch UI (N90x0B)
  • License key upgradeable
  • Fixed and transportable licenses available

Zubehör (1 Produkte)

Zubehör (1 Produkt)

N9000B CXA
N9000B CXA
Signal-/Spektrumanalysator, 9 kHz bis 3 / 7,5 / 13,6 / 26,5 GHz, Multi-Touch
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Bereits seit 1999 verbindet dataTec und Keysight Technologies eine starke Partnerschaft. Kein anderes Unternehmen bietet ein so breites Spektrum an Messtechnik, Prüftechnik sowie Lösungen für unsere vernetzte Welt. Mit Messinstrumenten von Keysight sind auch Sie bestens gerüstet für die Aufgaben von heute und morgen.

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