Keysight N7554A | ECal Kalibrier-Modul, 2 Port, 50 Ohm, DC bis 18 GHz, für Netzwerkanalysatoren

Herstellernummer: N7554A

Keysight N7554A | Electronic Calibration Module (ECal), DC-18 GHz, 2-Port.

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N7554A | ECal Kalibrier-Modul, 2 Port, 50 Ohm, DC bis 18 GHz, für Netzwerkanalysatoren

The N7554A is part of Keysight's family of value-line electronic calibration (ECal) modules that makes calibration of vector network analyzers fast, easy and accurate. Cut your calibration down to half the time it normally takes using a traditional mechanical cal kit. Simply connect it to your instrument and the firmware does the rest. For greater precision and higher accuracy measurements consider the N44xx and N469x family of ECal products.

The N7554A supports Keysight's , PNA-X, PNA, ENA, and PXI vector network analyzers and FieldFox handheld analyzers. The N7554A is a 2-port ECal module that supports 3.5 mm connectors or Type N connectors. As a value-line product, it makes it cost effective to replace the N7554A than to have it recertified.

The firmware installed on the instrument is used to control the calibration module, making it a fully integrated solution. The calibration code on the instrument communicates via a USB 2.0 micro-interface and simplifies the calibration to a single connection for a full two-port calibrated measurement.

Key Features & Specifications:

  • Frequency coverage from DC to 18 GHz
  • Supports Type N and 3.5 mm connectors
  • Smaller, lighter 2-port ECal module
  • Zero wait time for faster calibration
  • Convenience of ECal with the performance of an economy mechanical kit

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Aktuelles und Informatives


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Bereits seit 1999 verbindet dataTec und Keysight Technologies eine starke Partnerschaft. Kein anderes Unternehmen bietet ein so breites Spektrum an Messtechnik, Prüftechnik sowie Lösungen für unsere vernetzte Welt. Mit Messinstrumenten von Keysight sind auch Sie bestens gerüstet für die Aufgaben von heute und morgen.

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