The Keysight 86205B high directivity 50 ohm RF bridge offers unparalleled performance in a variety of general-purpose applications. It is ideal for accurate reflection measurements and signal leveling applications.
Superior RF performance
Coupling factor: 18 dB +/- 3 dB (0.3 MHz to 3 GHz)
Directivity: 38 dB (0.3 MHz to 1.3 GHz); 33 dB (1.3 GHz to 3 GHz)
Return loss: 14 dB (0.3 MHz to 3 GHz); 1.5 VSWR
Insertion loss: 2.0 dB (0.3 MHz to 1 GHz); 2.5 dB (1 GHz to 3 GHz)
Connectors 3.5 mm (f), APC-7
Dimension 133.2 W x 18.2 H x 31.5 mm D
Weight Net 0.31 kg
(1 Produkte)
(1 Produkt)
E5061B ENA
Vektor-Netzwerkanalysator, 2-Port, 5 Hz oder 100 kHz bis max. 3 GHz
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