YIC Technologies NFP KIT | EMC probe set including 5 near-field probes, camera, holder, EMViewer 3 year license

Manufacturer number: NFP KIT_3YR

YIC Technologies NFP KIT | EMC probe set including 5 near-field probes HXY 10A02, HXY 20A02, HZ 40A02, HXY 60A01, E 00A02, camera, holder, 3-year license EMViewer software.


NFP KIT | EMC probe set including 5 near-field probes, camera, holder, EMViewer 3 year license

The YIC Technologies NFP KIT consists of a set of 5 field probes and is used to locate, identify, measure and characterize potential sources of electromagnetic radiation and interference emanating from traces or components of electronic circuit boards, assemblies or products.

A compatible spectrum analyzer with 50 Ω input is required.

In conjunction with the EMViewer software and the camera included in the set, the HF radiation from the circuit board or the device can be visualized. The probe is guided over the circuit, the camera records the position of the probe and the field strength is displayed in color code as an overlay over the image in the EMViewer software.

The near-field probes can be operated by hand or used on the EMProbe robot arm or other holders.

The NFP kit consists of:

  • Probe hand holder
  • HXY 10A02: 10MHz - 300MHz
  • HXY 20A02: 100MHz – 1.4GHz
  • HZ 40A02: 1GHz – 14GHz
  • HXY 60A01: 1GHz – 14GHz
  • E 00A02: Full range
  • USB Mini Camera, 5MP, 5-50mm Varifocal Lens, 10X Optical Zoom
  • Adjustable 11 inch mount with clamp
  • 3 year license EMViewer

Product features:

  • Fully integrated into EMViewer
  • Real-time tracking of probe position
  • Flat response
  • Slim design and protective coating

Alternate products (3 products)

YIC Technologies
EMC probe set including near field probes HXY 10A02, HXY 20A02, HZ 40A02, HXY 60A01, E 00A02
Delivery time upon request
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YIC Technologies
EMC probe set including 5 near-field probes, camera, holder, EMViewer 1 year license
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YIC Technologies
EMC probe set including 5 near-field probes, camera, holder, EMViewer 5 year license
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Recommendations (2 products)

YIC Technologies
EMC near-field scanner board for locating EMC problems; 150kHz to 8GHz
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YIC Technologies
EMC/EMI scanner high-speed/high-resolution (from 0.06 mm), frequency range: 150kHz - 8GHz
Delivery time upon request
On Request

About the Manufacturer

YIC Technologies
YIC Technologies, based in the UK, specializes in near-field EMC scanner boards for real-time visualization of signal emissions, which can be used to visualize EMC and EMI-related signals in real time to detect signal emissions.

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