Chroma A112004 | Softpanel f. 11200 Capacitor Leakage Current/IR Meter

Herstellernummer: A112004

Chroma A112004 | PC Software Softpanel for 11200 Capacitor Leakage Current/IR Meter.


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A112004 | Softpanel f. 11200 Capacitor Leakage Current/IR Meter

Chroma 11200 Soft-Panel provide control function for three test (Leakage Current / IR Test, Null Test and Withstand Voltage Test ) and system configuration. User set detail condition for test and control Chroma 11200 test step though soft-panel. It also has report function, that soft-panel outputs a test result included a curve to a printer or save it to a Excel file. Customer use the excel file for more application, like calculate capacity with set constant current and time and voltage measurement data at withstand voltage test (C= I*dt/ dV).

Zubehör (1 Produkte)

Zubehör (1 Produkt)

Capacitor Leakage Current/IR Meter
Lieferzeit auf Anfrage
2.100,00 €

Infos zum Hersteller

Chroma ATE ist der weltweit größte Anbieter von Power Testinstrumenten und -systemen, einschließlich programmierbarer AC-Quellen und DC Stromversorgungen, Labornetzgeräten, Elektronischen AC- und DC-Lasten, digitalen Messgeräten, Multimetern und automatisierten Prüfsystemen.

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