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Manufacturer number: 880-137-501
The probe requires a power supply:
The PMK BumbleBee is a 500MHz, ±1,000V, 300V CAT II differential probe that can be used on any device/oscilloscope with a 50Ω input.
The probe can be used to evaluate power electronics and is very effective for measurements on IGBTs, such as those found in motor controls, switched-mode power supplies and frequency converters. Transients can also be captured well when measuring signals with bandwidths of up to 500 MHz.
The 4 division levels (250:1, 125:1, 50:1, 25:1) enable measurements with increased resolution.
The separate overvoltage indicators of the inputs and the differential output indicate whether the probe is operating within the intended range. The BumbleBee offers an active offset correction of ± 4 V with a resolution of at least 13 bits, based on the output voltage.
By using components with very low ppm values, high stability is achieved across the entire power spectrum. Measurements over longer periods of time in particular benefit from low drifts at changing temperatures. Other features, such as LEDs for channel identification and extensive accessories make it easier for the user to use.