
dataTec is Europe's specialist distributor for measurement and testing technology. Our work is all about voltage. Resistance. Earthing. And values. All these things are measured with our products. And we put them into practice. dataTec – the experts in test and measurement technology that enables customers to make the right decisions.

dataTec AG

dataTec – the experts in test and measurement technology. We explain what's behind our solutions.


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Use our knowledge to your advantage. Find out about our training courses on test and measurement technology.


We offer products. And deliver the difference.

No two measuring tasks are the same. This is the challenge driving us at dataTec every day. As Germany's largest specialised distributor - with growth in Europe - and expert in test and measurement technology, we give you what really gets you ahead: the peace of mind of having made the right decision. And it's not just about the instruments. We pride ourselves on providing comprehensive advice. dataTec is there to help you with all questions and challenges relating to your measurement task. Now it's time to discover our wide range of services – online and offline – that can make a decisive difference for you.

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