The PicoConnect 900 Series low-invasive, high-frequency passive probes are designed for microwave and gigabit applications. They deliver unprecedented performance and flexibility at a low price.The probes employ a unique (patent pending) in-PCB construction to realize extremely low capacitance, coplanar microwave integrity, robust reliability and very low cost. The result is a family of miniature interchangeable passive probe heads that cover a range of division ratios, bandwidths and coupling types.
At 1 GHz and above, and supplied by just a few manufacturers, most test probes are of familiar oscilloscope probe shape but with an active buffer amplifier within an enlarged probe body. They are mechanically complex, quite bulky, often heavy and always costly.
The PicoConnect 900 Series passive probes are designed for use with any instrument having 50 Ω inputs, including oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers, modulation analyzers and counters, without regard to manufacturer.
Key Features & Specifications:
- Nominal division ratio: 20:1
- Bandwidth (-3 dB): > 6 GHz
- Max. usable data rate (fundamental): 12 Gb/s
- Max. usable data rate (3rd harmonic): 4 Gb/s
- Max. usable data rate (5th harmonic): 2.4 Gb/s
- Transition time: < 58.3 ps
- Probe tip impedance (nominal): 515 Ω
- Probe tip capacitance (typical): 0.3 pF
- Probe tip capacitance (maximum): 0.4 pF
- Accuracy for line Z0 = 36 Ω to 60 Ω: < ±0.20 dB (±2.4%)
- Accuracy for line Z0 = 0 Ω to 100 Ω: < ±0.48 dB (±5.6%)
- Nominal error for line Z0 = 75 Ω: < -0.19 dB (-2.2%)
- Continuous voltage: 7 V AC RMS
- DC blocking voltage (max.): 50 V DC
- Peak voltage: < 25 V
- Mark:space at peak voltage: < 1:20 (5%)
- Coupling: AC
- Low-frequency cut-off (-3 dB): 70 kHz
- Pulse /eye droop: > 20 ns / %
- Flatness (±0.5 dB): 210 kHz to 2 GHz
- Output impedance for test node impedance 54 Ω matched
- Additive voltage noise @ 23 °C: 0.9 nV/√Hz
- Output connector (probe head): SMA(f)
- Supplied cable: 60 cm SMA(m-m) precision unsleeved high-flex 085 microwave coaxial cable (unsleeved and 30 cm options also available)
- Supplied accessories: Pack of replacement probe tips; two coils of solder-in gold-plated wire
- Dimensions (probe head): 68 x 19 x 11 mm
- Nominal probe tip pitch: 5 mm
- Weight: 5 g
Pack contents:
- PicoConnect 900 Series probe head
- Precision 600 mm 085 low-loss cable
- Set of interchangeable gold-plated probe and sprung ground tips
- Two coils of solder-in gold-plated wire
- User's Guide
- Storage and carry case